Networking with Medical Professionals: How to Use Referrals and Introductions

Learn how an online medical referral network can help you get started faster, easier, and for less money than you think. Creating a patient referral network will help you bring in a steady stream of new customers for your nutrition office.

Networking with Medical Professionals: How to Use Referrals and Introductions

The key to building a successful referral network with medical professionals is to reach out beyond your own healthcare concentration or specialty. Taking the time to greet and introduce yourself to those in different fields of health is a great way to start. You don't have to rely on face-to-face meetings, business cards, and fax machines when creating your professional medical referral network. Learn how an online medical referral network can help you get started faster, easier, and for less money than you think. Creating a patient referral network will help you bring in a steady stream of new customers for your nutrition office.

Share this sample nutrition counseling recommendation form with doctors and other health professionals who refer clients to your office. You can include a downloadable link on your website or contact any health professionals in your area. Use this recommendation form to introduce your nutrition practice and build relationships with providers who share the same customer base as you. Interoperability, along with online referral networks, provides opportunities to make connections, share data quickly, and access more patient records. Physicians can make use of physician referral services to save time when following up on incoming medical referrals.

The larger your referral network, the better you can refer patients to the most appropriate specialist. Physicians who have access to extensive online patient referral networks can more easily communicate with their network colleagues when they decide to refer patients. But have you ever considered what a network of contacts outside your office could do for you? By networking with outside professionals, you have the chance to strengthen your office for your patients and train your team with resources from trusted professionals. Diligently following up on your referral network will allow you to maintain important communication with customers and continue nurturing your network for ongoing referrals. These referral network tips are proven tactics that benefit healthcare professionals in all specialties.

The advantage of working with an online medical referral network is access to hundreds or even thousands of potential referral specialists and the ability to easily communicate with them.

Geoff Ritschard
Geoff Ritschard

Certified beer advocate. Award-winning zombie practitioner. Certified social media aficionado. Devoted food fan. Proud explorer. Freelance coffeeaholic.

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